How an introverted fat loser stumbled into the secret to approaching women without fear, never running out of things to say, and consistently dating high quality women
and how YOU can posses those skills easily... even if you are struggling right now with Women
Let me ask you something...
- Have you ever felt like you don't know what to say to Women, and miss opportunities to talk to them because of this?
- Do you not even know where to begin with all the conflicting advice and "gurus" out there?
- Are you afraid you will run out of things to say when talking to a girl that you like?
- Are you struggling to build real attraction with Women and have a fun and interesting conversation that builds a deep connection?
- Do you still find it hard to consistently get yourself to approach Women?
I know exactly how you feel
10 years ago I was extremely overweight, had only been with one Woman my entire life, and had crippling social anxiety.
Despite all of that, I desperately wanted to become the Man I had always dreamed I would be. In great shape, plenty of awesome friends, and have life filled with adventures with beautiful Women.
Sadly I almost let this dream die. I started to believe that my ideal life just wasn't in the cards for me. I was invisible to Women.
But guess what, I found a solution
Out of nowhere I stumbled into a secret society of Men who taught dating and self development skills.
Once I saw a possibility that I could LEARN how to be more attractive to Women I started working on myself from the inside out and honing my dating skills 24/7.
In a year I had lost over 100 pounds and could approach Women without hesitation. I was the life of the party anywhere I went without knowing anyone before arriving.
I was recruited to join the founding company in the dating industry and take men out in real life to teach them to do what I had done. Transform into the guy that got the girl.
You may be thinking, that's great, but how can this work for me?
I've been teaching Men of every type you can imagine with the top companies in the industry for the last 10 years.
Skinny, fat, brown, yellow, white, bald, short, thick accents, I've seen and taught them all.
And guess what, every type of guy has been able to learn how to approach Women easily and effectively, and hold a stimulating conversation.
The guys who kept at it have done even more than that.
There's no excuse but the ones you choose to believe.
The best part about it, was that the more guys I taught and the more experienced, I gained the tighter my system got.
I now help Men make massive changes in their dating lives in a fraction of the time it took me when I first started.
What would it mean to you if...
You could learn exactly what to say to women and be able to consistently start a fun conversation that actually goes somewhere?
Imagine what it would be like if you could be in charge of your dating life, have options, and get the quality Women you really want?
Not the ones that chose you and you settled for because that was the best you could get.
For years I've taught thousands of men the skills to make these dreams a reality.
I want to give YOU the opportunity to learn those exact skills from me...

Here's what a few of my most recent students had to say after working with me...
To put it as plainly as I can - Joe changed my life. He is one of the most knowledgeable, charismatic and gifted teachers that I have ever seen. Everything that Joe teaches comes 100% from his own experiences, personal struggle and his own life transformation. All of this allows him help you in a way that no one else can. It is truly a gift to learn from such a man
Ryan S, New York City, NY
I grew up having little success with women, mostly because I had crippling approach anxiety to the point that even just at the thought of approaching a girl got me nervous and anxious. I truly believed that I would never be able to even approach a girl. The first time I went out with Joe, watching him for about 30mins effortlessly approach and talk to TONS of girls and hot ones, and some guidance, it changed the way I saw and felt about approaching women. By the end of that night I had made close to 50 approaches and met a few girls I am still in touch with today. I was still a little anxious of course but easily pushed through it with Joe by my side. I can truly say I changed that night. I have since been able to effortlessly approach girls and have a lot of fun doing it. And I get laid!
Jon Ryan, New York City, NY
I've Created The Ultimate Program To Skyrocket Your Success With Women
Next Level Dating
Next Level Dating is a training course that you can take any place in the world, that teaches you how to approach and attract quality Women consistently.
I've gathered all of my best teachings together and put them into this course.
This course is the foundation of meeting women in a no nonsense exactly "how to" format.
No boring theory or me talking in circles to try and sound cool.
Only the fundamental skills that produce real world results for you in your dating life.
This course is the meat and potatoes of attracting Women. The foundations that even top guys need to revisit and master.
I pride myself on being very practical with my teaching. I like to teach, not preach. I see many "gurus" out there spitting theory and stories for hours, and at the end of it you're left saying "Ok so what do I say to her?"
That is a problem I am going to solve for you for good.
This Program Is Not For Everybody
This Program is for...
-Guys who aren't comfortable approaching Women and holding conversation, and a lot of anxiety about it
-A Guy who wants to get the rust off and start meeting women again even if he's had training before
-Guys who have problems getting out consistently, staying motivated, and finding solid Wingmen and friends
-A Guy who doesn't know where to start, or what to say to Girls
-A Guy who has boring conversations that fall flat and don't build attraction
-Guys who want a specific step-by-step gameplan they can rely on to meet Women
This Program is not for...
-Guys who don't value themselves enough to invest in their dating lives
-Keyboard jockeys who think they know it all when it comes to picking up women
-Guys who want a magic pill and don't want to take action to improve themselves
-Guys who are really advanced and have no problem approaching and attracting new Women consistently.
Here's just some of what you're going to discover to accelerate your success with Women...
How to present yourself for instant attraction
-instant fixes for model level fashion
-down and dirty fitness tips to build muscle and scorch fat
Finding wingmen and friends
-Forget going out solo. I show you the best and easiest places to meet quality wingmen
-an over the shoulder demo to find wingmen right on your computer instantly
-how to become an infectious person that everyone loves to be around so you make connections with Men and Women naturally
-the best places to go that are packed full of single Women
-simple and easy to use word for word opening lines that minimize rejection and come off totally normal. Never creep girls out again!
-Field Tested Techniques for blasting through Approach Anxiety
-how to become the guy that makes girls crack up laughing
-the exact questions to ask to screen for the woman you want while building a deep connection
-an arsenal of conversation techniques to ensure you never run out of fun and interesting things to say again.
...And a lot more
Here's exactly what you get with this Program...
20 video presentations of the entire course curriculum to take you from getting started all the way to mastering the art of attraction building conversation
1 - Getting Started - 9:13
2 - Taking Action - 18:52
3 - Finding Wingmen - 13:42
4 - Meeting People - 10:43
5 - Meeting People (Demo) - 20:59
6 - Presentation - 27:23
7 - Fitness - 17:56
8 - Fashion and Grooming - 28:58
9 - Fashion and Grooming (Demo) - 9:16
10 - Getting Out - 13:38
11 - Handling Rejection - 5:08
12 - Approaching 1 - 18:05
13 - Approaching 2 - 20:11
14 - Approaching 3 - 24:47
15 - Conversation - 22:41
16 - Humor - 15:59
17 - Building A Connection - 16:18
18 - Listening - 9:56
19 - Consistency - 16:09
20 - How To Be Magnetic - 9:40
21 - 30 Day Gameplan - 19:16
Total run time: 5 hours, 48 minutes, 50 seconds
You'll also get these additional bonuses if you sign up today
So how much is it?
Let me tell you a quick true story about my old buddy Rocko,
Rocko was a nice guy who wanted to attract a Woman into his life. So he picked up a beautiful brand new BMW at the cost of $1,000 a month (not including his massive down-payment) in hopes of impressing Women.
He had to work his ass off to make those monthly payments, he even had a second job on weekends.
He would come out with me and my main Wingman every Friday and Saturday night after he got out of his second job.
Despite having a bad ass expensive car he couldn't find the courage or the ability to talk to a single Woman.
He was too stubborn to change or put in the effort to learn any dating skills (like most men) so he would sit there with a drink to his chest and watch me and my Wingman talk to every girl in the bar.
Even when we tried to introduce him to a girl every now and then he had no clue what to talk about and went awkwardly silent after a few boring questions. He wound up driving home, in style nonetheless, night after night by himself.
Sadly I never saw a single Woman step foot in or out of that car.
This isn't even factoring the cost of an average night out without any results....
Good ol' Rocko would spend another couple hundred dollars a week on drinks to try and drown out his fear of talking to Girls. That was another $1,000 a month right there!
The sad bottom line is that most Men waste TONS of time and money hoping to impress Women, when all they need are the skills.
This program isn't a hope. It's a gameplan. Battle tested over the last decade by thousands of Men from every walk of life.
My duty as a teacher is to provide you with tools and strategies that work in real life. Not sound cool or interesting or brag or impress you.
Producing results for YOU is all that matters.
During my live trainings we go out to meet Women right after our seminars, and if the things I taught didn't work, you would see it right away. To this day I've never let down a single student on one of my live programs. In fact I've consistently done the opposite.
I stand by what I teach and it's in your and my best interest to give you only what produces real world results
Before I met Joe I had never really approached Women at all and it made me super nervous. By the second day of working with Joe I was walking up to hot girls with ease and got phone numbers that turned into dates.
Dave P, New York City, NY
I made Next Level Dating available because I want to reach more people with this life changing information.
Just to give you an idea here. I've seen doctors charge $300 for a 5 minute consult.
I've seen college semesters for $60,000! And you dont remember or use anything you paid for!
After much internal debate I settled on the virtual masterclass as a single one time payment of $3,000
Set yourself up with the concrete skills to meet and attract the Women you choose into your life consistently.
You will get full access to the Virtual program right away when you sign up. All modules. All downloads. All bonuses. You can check out the entire course Immediately, or take your time with it.
Watch it as many times as you need and refer back to it when necessary. This is your road map to success.
The choice is yours.
Click below to take your dating life to the next level
"As someone who considers every bit of information before making purchase decision, I always pick the best that I can get my hands on...
...Joe Ducard never fails to deliver on his promises, the last 2 times I engaged him as a consultant, he went beyond the scope of what he promised to deliver, highly recommended. Joe himself is an inspiration; an amazing mentor and person; one who truly embodies success himself, as well as someone who wants to re-create that in all the people he comes across. He cares for his students deeply. Thank you brother!" -Anthony K, Aus
To sum things up here's what you're getting...
- Over 5 hours of 21 video presentations of the entire course curriculum to take you from getting started all the way to mastering the art of attraction building conversation
And these bonuses...
- The "Magnetic Man Checklist" of the most attractive attributes you can posses as a Man
- The "What Would Joe Do?" Conversation Transcripts of what I say when I approach Women
- The "Questions To Ask Girls" Cheat Sheet that contains a wide range of questions to keep the conversation fun and interesting
- $600 1x1 Success Call With Me FREE, to make sure you get the most out of this program and a rock solid gameplan going forward
- 30 Day Concrete Gameplan to outline EXACTLY how to use this program for guaranteed success!
Click below to take your dating life to the next level
"There are so many phonies in the men’s dating world these days that it can be exceedingly difficult to distinguish between the true experts vs. the con artists...
...I am absolutely thrilled to say that Joe Ducard is one of the very few, genuine all-time experts in this field, and the products that he has created (along with his personal coaching sessions) are unbelievably complete, supremely detail-oriented, and will hand-hold anybody from baby steps to complete mastery.
I cannot say enough great things about the high quality products & services which Joe offers to men, and it becomes even more unbelievable & magical once you realize that we don’t have to go through the same 10-YEAR LEARNING CURVE that Joe pushed himself through on a daily basis for 10 full years on his life transformation from nerd to superstar!
Joe has distilled a decade’s worth of growth & knowledge into easy, bite-sized, detail-oriented products & services for the common man. Whenever a guy comes up to me who is stuck in his dating life, I immediately refer him to Joe. I stand behind my entire testimonial here 100%." — Scott R., Austin Texas
Here's a message I received from a student right after taking the NLD Virtual Masterclass..
"Hey Joe,
Just wanted to let you know I went through the material.
I found it very practical and concise, thanks
And your breakdown of conversations is the best out there, something quite simple that nobody was able to put in a coherent, actionable and comprehensive enough manner"
-Fernado Moya, Europe
Still not sure??
If there's anything you want to know about this program that I haven't covered, please e-mail me right now at and I will gladly fill you in. Other than that, I want you to be super excited to get started, if this doesn't sound amazing to you then it's probably not for you.
I wish you much love, happiness, and success!
-Joe Ducard